Placenta Practice
Amanda is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals around. LOVE her capsules and remedies!
Mary-Anne Constable
This woman is awesome! She is down to earth, practical, supportive, and fun. Her course was educational and useful. Working with Mary-Anne is one of the major contributing factors that made my birthstory one to remember as beautiful and empowering.
Looking for an acupuncturist, osteopath, pelvic floor physical therapist or myo-fascial release specialist? Contact me and I will give you my recommended persons.
Waking The Tiger
by Peter Levine
A great read to beginning to understand self-regulation and how to access our inherent body intelligence thru awareness of internal processes.
The Polyvagal Theory
by Stephen Porges
A bit of a heavy read but such a WONDERFUL topic. Ahead of its time.
by Eugene Gendlin
A wonderfully easy to digest and usful self-help read for accessing a sense of stillness to the mind and body.
The First Forty Days
by Heng Ou
Adored this book for my post-partum healing from the inside out.
Balanced Body Pilates Equipment
Reformers, Trapeze Towers, Barrels, Chairs, Pinky Balls, and more.
I love the quality of their studio equipment! Smooth, sleek and classic designs. And a wonderful customer service centre.
Franklin Balls I Franklin Method, Sissel U.K.
These pair of sensory balls are fabulous for releasing holding patterns in fascia, wonderful to take on international travels and your workplace desk station.
Pilates Foam Roller I Sissel U.K.
This is a great fun tool to release the whole body and chill out on to gain a sense of openness and midline.
Yoga Wheel I Gaiam
This yoga wheel is a great assist for backbends and lunges. If you’re working on increasing range of motion, this is a great tool.
Pomegranate in Scented Terracotta I Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella Firenze
A delicious Melograno fragrance which is released slowly in the air. Adore.
Raspberry Tea Leaves I Baldwin & Co.
Great quality product!
Magnesium Oil Spray I BetterYou
A wonderful and natural product to use topically for muscular aches and pains and replenish magnesium levels.
Instant Detox Mask I Caudalie
Love a good night-time ritual treat for my skin. Great product!